Click for Paws by GreaterGood

Every day we’ll share a handful of pets in need on Click for Paws. When you click for them, we’ll make a small donation to support those pets or the charitable programs caring for them. You can also read those pets’ stories or give a direct donation to fund their care.

GreaterGood supports the efforts of effective, carefully-vetted charitable programs helping people, pets, and the planet. Your actions have a real impact: GreaterGood has donated $80 million since 1999.

$80 Million Given to Charity
Jaguars Injured in Wildfires

The Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland, has been devastated by fires this year. More than 3 million acres have burned, killing millions of animals and injuring countless more. This jaguar was rescued from the fires after sustaining serious burns. Brazil-based conservation organization Onçafari is providing emergency medical care to this jaguar and others in need.